Friday, November 11, 2011

Potty Party!

Brynlee has been back in diapers for a couple months now. It has been so frustrating because I know she knows what to do. But as I've researched what to do, I've found that it's kinda normal-- especially after a vacation or something.
One of the main problems with potty training at our house is that our dumb apartment doesn't have a bathroom downstairs--they are both upstairs. It's the worst floor plan ever! Anyway, Riley had the great idea to clear out our coat closet and turn it into a downstairs bathroom for Brynlee. (We already have NO storage space, so clearing out that closet was a huge sacrifice.) It turned out pretty well. She certainly seems to think she's pretty special with her own bathroom!

So, we went out and got a new toilet-- Bryn got to choose which one she wanted. Of course she would choose the one that sings to her when she goes potty! And new panties! She's always telling us how "beshal" (special) they are. We made a HUGE deal about it. Made it SO exciting (probably a little over the top), but it seems to be working!
Whenever she needs to use the toilet, she tells me she has to sit on her "potty train". I think she's heard me say that a few too many times.
The girl has quite the little set-up. Complete with reading material and all.
So far so good...


  1. Haha seriously panties on the door? The toilet looks legit--she knows how to pick them out!
