Friday, August 12, 2011


I've been thinking lately about how life is just plain ol' crazy sometimes. I look at blogs of friends and think, "man, her life looks perfect. They have everything going for them!" And then I look at my own blog and it, too, seems like we have no troubles. We tend to only share the good things-- which is fine, because who wants to read about something bad? But my friends, I'm here to tell you that our life is not perfect. We don't just go on vacations and take fun pictures all day long. No. We have a real life, too. So, I'm committing myself to blog more about real life, rather than just sharing pictures of my cute kids.

Ok, so I just wrote a really long post about how "real" our life is and when I was done, I reread it and decided no one wanted to read about that. Lets just say that it involved my attempt at being a good mom by taking my kids to see Rio, kids running up and down the aisle-- not caring about the movie, then hitting up the sales at Borders, waiting in long lines, getting out of line to go potty (only to be too late), changing Brody's diaper while Brynlee LOCKS herself in the bathroom, me climbing under the bathroom stall on the dirty floor to unlock the door for angry customers also waiting in line to use the bathroom, and having to carry two screaming kids all the way to the 2nd to last parking space at the mall while my arms are on fire. See? Life is not always so glamorous.


  1. I have been thinking about the same thing lately. Blogs can definitely be deceiving. I love reading your posts, and I miss you Tarryn.
